2 definitions by doctordolittlenumberonefan

The most luscious and lucrative babe, with a bunda of criminally large size; girth so intense it erodes rock in its place. Nova is not to be messed with, she’s a naughty little kitten and if you get on her bad side, well… let’s just say you’ll be facing the tiger within. The Devil shivers when Nova loses her temper, anger leads to deceit, and deceit follows onto anguish, in which none can escape. Don’t be fooled by her innocent, virtuous stature, for just a flip of a coin, can lead to this little kitten unleashing the ferocious cougar trapped within this secrete young babe.
Nova has a fat batty, mans gonna get mashed up tonight by her absolutely disgusting, delicate, dutty bunda. She’s a real donny.
by doctordolittlenumberonefan November 23, 2021
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an adjective, meaning attractive or sexy
Tom: How was last night?
Greg: Great! Lucasmum is very genghis!
by doctordolittlenumberonefan January 8, 2021
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