3 definitions by cripplesauce

A person who retardedly says "roasted" all the time.
Me: Jeez this burger really sucks...
12 year old kid: Your mom sucks too, but she charges! Ooh! Roasted!
Me: this guy is a roastard
by cripplesauce October 1, 2017
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1.) Having a predisposition for or against something. A common word used by liberals to describe white people in an effort to make it seem like they have a natural hatred of all other races, which is, obviously, bullshit.

2.) Whoever the hell chooses the word of the day on this site. They have a blatant bias against Trump. If you don't believe me look through all the recent Daily Words on here and try to find one that says something positive about him or his cabinet.
Holy shit, look at all the biased cancer in the Daily Word section.
by cripplesauce February 18, 2017
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