6 definitions by clothes guy

Bluenotes is a retail clothing store which mainly sells its own brand name clothing. Styles are mostly skate and prep, and they make their clothing compete with name brands and in my opinion, I think they are equal to and/or surpass many of these name brands (Quiksilver, Hurley, even AE or Hollister).
Bluenotes jeans are the bomb, and their shirts/polos kick ass
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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A great skate brand that makes really good quality clothes, especially their jeans and shoes. I'm not even that much into the skate scene, but I have a pair of element jeans and an element sweater.
The Element tree logo and their high quality make their apparel appeal to other fashion groups
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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A great skate/surf brand that makes everything from hats to shirts and sweaters and jeans. I find their stuff is some of the best quality out there in terms of a skate brand, and pwns Quiksilver (what doesn't?) and Etnies and other skate brands. If you have to buy anything from a skate/surf brand, do yourself a favour and make it Hurley.
These new Hurley jeans I bought kick ass! They're so comfortable yet they're fitted
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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A skate brand, known for their shoes more than anything. I myself bought Circa shoes three years in a row because of two things: comfort and quality. Circa shoes beat the snot out of any other skate shoe brand (mostly other brands' suede shoes). I've also tried Etnies and Element shoes, but Circas take the cake.
Damn my Circa shoes are effin' comfortable!
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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One of the most overused words in the english language, especially by teens, and is probably one of the dumbest words as well. A poser is supposed to describe a person who pretends to be something they aren't and/or like something they don't. This word is too broadly used, and puts down people who want to try new things and want to get away from their past likings. I think it's a dumb word and the person who first used it should be punched in the family jewels.
idiot: Omg John is such a poser he wears Etnies and doesn't skate!!!
me: Why? because he likes their clothes?

idiot 2: Chris is a poser because he listens to punk but isn't really into punk
me: How do you think punk bands make money? from hardcore punks buying their CDs? They'd all go bankrupt in days if that was true, and punk music isn't just for a special group of people dumbass

correct person: Nicks a poser cause he
by clothes guy August 11, 2007
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Urban Trade is a relatively new retail clothing store, and I've only seen one of them in all my mall experience. They mainly sell Billabong, Quiksilver and the british brand Bench. Trying to find anything else there is near impossible. Not only is there a limited selection, but it is way expensive as well, and most things there can be bought at other places (even West 49) for a much better price. However, the store is very nicely layed out and very clean and tidy inside.
"I would have bought those Billabong jeans from Urban Trade, but West 49 had the same ones for $10 less"
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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