2 definitions by chicgeeknicole

Term used by the sexually frustrated to describe when their friend rejects their sexual or romantic advances, thereby leaving them with friendship and nothing "more". Also known as friendship, with the added awkwardness of you wanting to have sex with them and them not wanting to have sex with you.

Note: when used with a negative connotation, this can make you seem like a jerk who is only interested in your friend for sex; use with caution if you wish to salvage said friendship.
"Ugh, I asked Cindy if she wanted to hook up, but she totally friend zoned me."
"Okay, but you're still friends, right?"
"Yeah, I'll just have to stop picturing her naked."
by chicgeeknicole November 20, 2016
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To whistle or yell something sexually suggestive to a stranger, usually in passing. Often this is used by sexually frustrated males as a way of getting attention from females. It is not a recommended method of flattering someone.
"I was minding my own business at a bus stop when some creep shouted 'nice rack' out of his car window at me."
"Eeew, I hate cat calls. I'm so sorry someone made you feel uncomfortable like that."
by chicgeeknicole November 17, 2016
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