3 definitions by cervixexpress

One who spends all waking moments on the weekend either drunk, high, or stoned. Will often be seen in bars, always carries a baggie, and constitutes a public nuisance.

see jetsam
It's no wonder he slept with that 60 year old woman on Firday: he was in complete flotsam mode.
by cervixexpress March 16, 2005
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1. One who steals pharmaceuticals earmarked for his/her significant other.

2. One who consistently drops baggies in toilets and sinks depite frequent requests from friends to "be careful".
No wonder they hid the coke from him he's a jetsam through and through.
by cervixexpress March 16, 2005
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1. One who steals pharmaceuticals earmarked for his/her significant other.

2. One who consistently drops baggies in toilets despite frequent requests from friends to "be careful".
No wonder they hid the coke from David - he can't escape his jetsam past.
by cervixexpress March 16, 2005
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