25 definitions by castellano

A Honduran term that means "anger" in Spanish.
"Loco que colera me da ese maje vos", " Mira que colera tenia el profe vos", "Que colera eso maje"
by castellano October 3, 2018
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A Honduran term used to call a man a liar. This word comes from Paja which means lie. Use Pajera for women.
"Que pajero sos vos maje", "Mira compa que ese loco es un pajero",
by castellano November 15, 2018
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A common Honduran term that means lie. Use pajero/a when calling someone a liar. That is the only meaning this term has in Honduras.
"Que paja maje" "Pura paja ese cuento" "Si es pajero ese loco va?" "Beh loca contame el chambre pero sin pajas"
by castellano October 4, 2018
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A Honduran term used for someone who is flat from their nose or butt. A synonym of "chato" is "plano". Hondurans use it as a kind nickname for someone. Older people also say "chatito". For women it is chata.
"Yo amo tanto a mi chato" "El chato es bien trabajador!"
by castellano September 12, 2018
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