66 definitions by billy bob

It's when you burp and a little bit of vomit comes up your esophagus into your mouth. Burp + vomit = vurp.
At the thought of dating Billy Bob with his mullet and his gaped front teeth for squirting Copenhagen, I vurped the special sauce from my Big Mac.
by billy bob March 21, 2005
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originally the sound Link makes as he swings his sword in the Legend of Zelda; the word has now come to mean almost anything; it can be used as "hello", "goodbye", "what's up?" or even, "that shiznit is wack"
Jon: Yo what's up?
Brandon: Aya sheya!!!
by billy bob October 4, 2004
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I wanna bang Kbrittany like an African Drum in her Supra.
by billy bob October 19, 2004
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newly immigrated indian, pakistani or sri lankan person. cannot speak english.
dirty ref smells like the inner depths of a rhino's ass.
by billy bob June 9, 2003
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Moron. Big hands, big feet, small penis. HACC flunky. To have no friends. Some one who actually thinks being a Lord of the Rings nerd is cool.
what kind of a Maksin are you Carl?
by billy bob December 28, 2004
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origin:no-name brand of camera that was the best available at a generic electronics shop

1)used to descrie something as the best of its kind
2) (used with sarcasm)used to insult someone or something that sucks a lot by saying its the best
the salesman assured us:"This camera is a Dashvid; It's the best!!!
by billy bob December 15, 2004
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During intercourse, one takes out a baseball bat and rams it into the anus, ad=nd when the bitch screams, take it out and knock her ass out.
by billy bob February 6, 2003
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