23 definitions by banflimflam

November 29 is … a counter-measure to "Beat A Furry Hater Day" In which Furry Haters, and all normal people, can beat, and make ones that hate Anti-Furries or Furry haters suffer. And yes, they cannot fight back.
A Furry hater hater : "Oh no it's that day."
A furry hater : "Oh yes it is."
A furry hater hater : "TIME FOR BEAT A FURRY HATER HATER DAY!"
by banflimflam April 25, 2022
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aka breaking someone's windpipe in a very painless way (literally making it shatter into pieces)
usually performing a death stomp will make you seem like a bloodthirsty psychopath to everyone who witnessed it
"Yo, did you get that jackass?"
"Yeah, I got him good, I gave 'em the death stomp"
by banflimflam May 15, 2022
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1. A beautifully intense song made by KUTE
2. Something you tell to a person, usually either if you are dieseased, don't like that person, or you are very mentally ill (a serial killer)
hey man I got covid so, AVOID ME
You shut the fuck up, you absolute bitch, here's some advice. Why don't you AVOID ME?
..a ..AVOID ME
by banflimflam May 14, 2022
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similar to a villain arc but the thing that the said villain bounces back from is extremely petty
2: "holy shit a coin fell on my head, I'm gonna make this world suffer!"
1: "fucking villain farc lookin ass"
by banflimflam July 17, 2022
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Similar to an anti-furry but different
Furry haters hate furries for no reason at all
If you attempt to ask them why they hate furries, they will just become condescending and likely antagonize you.
Furry hater : I hate furries
Furry : why
Furry hater : Well, I wouldn't say I would have a reason to do so
Furry hater : But of course, don't those anti-furry guys say you guys are zoophiles?
Furry : is that your reason to hate us-
Furry hater (cutting them off) : "Is ThAT yoUr ReaSonTo HAtE Uss?" Shut up, and leave me alone.
by banflimflam April 24, 2022
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The manifestation of amogus.
The master of the sus.
person : What is amogusa?
amogusa : ⵢoⵓ ⵀⴰⵯⴻ ⴰⵡoⴽⴻⵏ ⵎⴻ, ⵒⴻⴰⵙⴰⵏⵜ. Wⵀⴰⵜ ⵉⵙ ⵉⵜ ⵜⵀⴰⵜ ⵢoⵓ ⵏⴻⴻⴷ?
by banflimflam April 7, 2022
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1. A roblox player that simply does not buy robux (absolute chad)

2. Someone who doesn't believe in money.

3. The latin word for "No money"

robber : where's all the money
A non-pecuniam : what the fuck is money
by banflimflam June 25, 2022
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