8 definitions by asdsdsd

The guy that can hook you up with any drink
Some sugar-addict kid:"yo man you got any stuff"
by asdsdsd August 11, 2020
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Somali guy: Yo i love microwaving my milo
Other somali guy: ur like fahmy
by asdsdsd June 2, 2020
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A person who likes microwaving his/her cereal
Random somali: Yo do u like microwaving cereal
Other random somali: ur like that fahmy kid
by asdsdsd June 2, 2020
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A guy who can hack any possible thing out there
some wunna be hacker kid: yo i just hacked 100000000000 coins in dank memer
Meraj: Amatuer
by asdsdsd August 11, 2020
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He's a trash fortnite gamer who just plays on his ipad 24/7
some Iraqi guy: yo wunna play fortnite
other iraqi guy: k but im on ipad so dont judge
some iraqi guy: what a fucking retard
by asdsdsd August 11, 2020
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a guy who owns every pair of shoe out there
Shaq: Yo man i got a house full of shoes
Michael Jordan: thats nothing compared to alem
by asdsdsd August 11, 2020
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some fijian guy: yo u look like a fish
other fijian guy: i guess im zainul
by asdsdsd August 11, 2020
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