2 definitions by anti swag

Bae in the douchbag teen language means "before anyone else", but really means in Danish a pile of shit.
Dude she's my bae
Other teen: *facepalm*
by anti swag November 15, 2014
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The scale of attraction is the 1-10 rating system of used to describe both men and woman, mainly by physical attractiveness. There may be multiple ratings for one person for different characteristics or parts of body, or just one. It is usually used to simplify the act of describing how one thinks of another's body. Because of this, the rating of one often differs from someone else's rating.
"... so on the scale of attraction, I think Rose is a rocky 6 or 5"
"nah man, the ass is there, but no tits and she has a butter face, I'd give her a 4"

"Jacob's personality is a solid 8, but his looks are a 5"
by anti swag September 7, 2016
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