17 definitions by an_absolute_idiot

A place where you're supposed to learn things. They teach you math and stuff but they don't teach you things that could actually save human lives.
"Don't stay in school."
by an_absolute_idiot August 28, 2020
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A place where you're supposed to learn things. They teach you math and stuff but they don't teach you things that could actually save human lives.
"Don't stay in school."
by an_absolute_idiot August 28, 2020
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A woman, typically with hair cut short on one side and hair down to their neck on the other, who thinks they are above the law and is unnecessarily mean to employees of stores or restaurants or members of the police. They are generally either insecure or extremely self-centered, and you should avoid them. They are really toxic people and not very good friends. They might also be quite racist or LGBTQ-phobic.
"Hey, look at that lady screaming at that cop!"

"What a Karen!"
by an_absolute_idiot February 5, 2021
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A scary entity. Other names for a ghost are: Apparition, spectre. Usually a dead being coming back to haunt the living. Scary.
by an_absolute_idiot August 27, 2020
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When one has consumed so much sugary foods they are transformed into a speedy, energetic, fast person. The opposite of this is a Sugar Nap, where the person is transformed into a drunk. Sugar Rushes are usually fun because consuming sugary foods is great.
"Watch out Laurie! Bobbie has a Sugar Rush!"
by an_absolute_idiot August 27, 2020
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The Unspoken Rules Of Society are a bunch of rules only elite members of Society know. Some of the rules are: Never drink water out of a mug, rule number 11, never drink hot cocoa out of a regular cup, rule number 10, and rule number 12, never have a brighter ceiling light and a lamp on at the same time.
" Hey! That LOSER is drinking water out of a mug! He's breaking rule number 11 of The Unspoken Rules Of Society!"
by an_absolute_idiot February 22, 2021
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