46 definitions by albert

This word means _________________________
yep at is what it means
by albert September 3, 2003
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1) Used to describe the state of a baseball pitcher who has given up multiple hits and home runs in an inning or game.

2) Used to describe something that is liked very much.
Pedro Martinez got rocked by the Yankees in the last two innings, giving up several runs.

That concert rocked!
by albert February 15, 2004
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island of flesh between your balls and asshole.
"boy was my bonch hair bugging while walking"
by albert April 23, 2003
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Original use: the mood or spirit between members of a music group who are having a particularly excellent performance.

Modern use: describes something particularly enjoyable or awesome.
We rocked that place out, everything was funky and our band was tight, man. We were all feelin' it.

That movie was tight. I loved it.
by albert February 15, 2004
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A proverbial period of time for one's short-lived fame.
This band's fifteen minutes are just about up because nobody listens to them anymore.
by albert February 15, 2004
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