5 definitions by adaptativehuman

noun - the fat waterfall (the massive stomach fat that rests in front of the genitalia) is divided by a pair of pants worn by the fat person resulting in the formation of the letter w.
Well, looks like fat Johnny is sporting his southern delight at the BBQ.
by adaptativehuman November 18, 2009
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verb-meaning -for a guy to get naked with some random girl on a random tuesday and after his orgazm he gets the fuq outa there.
"you mean on a random tuesday your going to come up in my bed and spit and bounce on my ass?"

"hey, we need to pull over in this field real quick cause i need to spit and bounce ,cause i need to get home."
by adaptativehuman August 25, 2009
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a woman's conquering skills over a smaller dude or ho. She utilizes these skills by standing on the balls of her feet and thrusting her breasts forward into her opponent's chest. This is done in a manner that is very unlady-like.
by adaptativehuman June 28, 2009
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an object located either on a body or material object that has the ability to be very manipulative utilizing the index finger or tounge.
"damnit i just ran my car in a curb and now i have a Flap Dap on my tire."
Another example is your uvula (you know that boxing bag in the back of your throat)
by adaptativehuman April 1, 2009
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a precentage of a person belongings that you take from that person and it does not piss off the person but the situation is just on the verge of way over the edge of anger.
I took what i thought was 1 gram of cocaine with a business card out of my friends coke sack that costs 2K and after weighing the amount i took... i had realized it was really 5 grams. after the person realizes that someone took some coke from his sack, he said, "damit someone scoop duped from my f---king sack!!!"
Also, "Ive been fuc--ing scoop duped by someone!" aka bamboozaled
by adaptativehuman April 1, 2009
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