26 definitions by a fan

Don't think that spending five seconds finding out how to pronounce 'Sigur Rós' is too good for the American media, it's much easier to just sound like an ignorant testicle head and say it how it's written than it is to take an intelligent guess and know that it's probably not 'si-Gur roS,' but some Icelandic alternative, such as the correct 'see-ur rose.'
"Sigur Rós's music is atmospheric and inspiring"

"How the sod would you know, you can't even pronounce their name properly. Try going away and listening to Ágætis Byrjun more than the one quick listen in your Mercedes on the way to your studio, and come back when you have something better to say."
by a fan July 28, 2004
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A name that once had some value, it was the name of the Russian Elite Forces. After the falling of the Berlin-wall and the collapse off USSR it lost it flame.
A butthole used it as his nickname for a game called Ravenshield
a butthole with an age that is not allowed ot buy beer
by a fan May 21, 2004
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someone whos fucked in the head because he was fucked in the ass by his sister with borrowed Dildo from the CCI Fetish-boyz
by a fan May 21, 2004
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Kurt Cobain's "alter-ego". He used it when he wasn't feeling himself.
by a fan March 22, 2003
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Genre of music. Possibly started by skittle-core band the Junglists. see skittle-core.
The Junglists are a great ska junk band!
by a fan March 7, 2004
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Skittle fueled ska madness. Piorneered by ska junk band the Junglists.
Use as a noun.
by a fan March 7, 2004
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THE BAND: sings remixes of adle vice and original compositions; some of which include: "Dinner is on the table" a Southern anthem, "Penis here, Penis there": one woman's opinioin of the roll of men's reproductive organs in society, "Down with Bush" the honest song about the defective Republican party, and others . . . check them out.
That cool band Weenis makes some chill jams!
by a fan December 19, 2004
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