5 definitions by _-thanos-_

Pronounce the full name —-> prepare to ascend and fly towards space
Person1: hi sachin…. Why am i flying HEEELP!?
by _-thanos-_ November 2, 2023
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Bidek is the type of guy to ask a question whenever he is asked a question

Sometimes he answers like a regular person though. Very very very rarely. The answers are still weird
Person1: The assignment deadline is today

Bidek: So the assignment deadline is not today?

Priest: Will you take her as your wife?
Bidek: Do i have to marry her?

Person1: So you coming to the shop?
Bidek: YYYYEA..
by _-thanos-_ November 2, 2023
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That one fu*king guy who wants to borrow a pencil sharpener. He has friends around him that own a pencil sharpener but still goes to that one fu*king Girl named Paulii** and ask that sharpener while smiling.
That one weirdo friend. And still he admits being gay later-hamse
by _-thanos-_ October 23, 2018
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The type of guy who shits on the side of the toilet to make less noise
by _-thanos-_ October 23, 2018
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The type of guy who shits on the side of the toilet to make less noise
by _-thanos-_ October 23, 2018
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