3 definitions by Yunko


like im not kidding who is this Rem?
weeb: you know rem from Re: Zero?
human: no who is that?
weeb: *having a panic attack*
by Yunko December 10, 2020
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a question, who bought the urban dictionary mug? like do those people even exist?
add me on discord and answer me the question

who bought the mug? Story
Guy: did you buy the urban dictionary mug?
Guy 2: no wtf who buys that?
Guy: I did!
by Yunko July 13, 2021
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Yeah I am kinda bored. I am at work and probably should work. But what is the point of that? Why do I work until I die just for nothing? Oh no someone is coming I am going to end this as fast as possible. Anyways you searched this because you probably are kinda bored.
Guy: I am kinda bored
Guy 2: ok
by Yunko July 13, 2021
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