4 definitions by Your Fuqqin Boy

One who takes off all of his/her clothes in order to take a dump.
"I pulled a Botta this morning before I took a shower"
by Your Fuqqin Boy April 19, 2009
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when your making out with your girlfriend and you hawk a loogie into her mouth.
I heard that Stevie gave his ginge Kelly a Voldemort Squeezer while they were making out in the park
by Your Fuqqin Boy June 30, 2009
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As the girl ran by him, he heard an explosive quelch.
by Your Fuqqin Boy May 2, 2009
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a place or location (often a locker room) where little boys and teens are taken to be abused for sexual pleasure of an older male.
Rumor has it that over 40 children have visited Sandusky's lair in the Penn State locker room over the last 10 years.
by Your Fuqqin Boy December 24, 2011
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