17 definitions by Yermy Battled Warter

The worst invention ever
Person 1: I can deal with the adverts
I can deal with the buffering
But when the adverts buffer
I suffer
Person 2: Yeah I hate Buffering Adverts too!
by Yermy Battled Warter January 4, 2017
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a tile store in Australia with what is perhaps the most obnoxious radio advert. Every time you hear the words "hello frank walker from national tiiiiiles" you want to smash your radio
I was at National Tiles and then some idiot started belting out the advert
by Yermy Battled Warter August 27, 2017
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The act of watching an entire Nextflix show in one sitting
by Yermy Battled Warter December 29, 2016
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A campaign slogan for a team planning to ban shredded cheese and MAKE AMERICA GRATE AGAIN!
I might be crazy, but I wanna Make America Grate Again.
by Yermy Battled Warter December 27, 2016
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A form of competition which many people participate in which is seen as disgusting to the outside world, which is why it is normally done in private alleyways where burps can be heard from kilometers away.
Sam: Hey Joy wanna go to the Burp-A-Thon with me?
Joy: No way you gross man!!
by Yermy Battled Warter November 6, 2016
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