2 definitions by WoahThereSharron¡

11 year old who pretend to smoke weed for attention.
attention seeker=someone who craves to be in the spotlight. spotlight+weed=potlighters

Ex. “Did you see that skank Jazlyn throwing up gang signs pretending to be a stoner cause she’s smoked 3 times? What a potlighters.
by WoahThereSharron¡ December 4, 2020
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People who pretend to be stoners for attention.
attention seeker:someone who craves the spotlight spotlight+pot=potlighters

ex: “Did you see that 11 year old Jazlyn brag about smoking a joint and suddenly acting like a stoner now. What a Spotlighter.”
by WoahThereSharron¡ December 4, 2020
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