15 definitions by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow

The state of being in which one's participation in their consciousness is no longer passive, but active; where one does not see WITH the eye, but THROUGH it.
In self-awareness, it is not the eye that sees, but the "I" that sees.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow July 10, 2013
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Being alone isn't loneliness. Loneliness is being alone when you desire otherwise.
Solitude is the wanted withdrawal of oneself. Loneliness is the unwanted withdrawal of others.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 18, 2013
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The ambassadors of the soul.
Words are reflections of the inner workings of ourselves.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 25, 2013
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I thought I thought I knew a thing and knew the thing was true, but as I learned and time went on I gradually grew, and learned the things I thought I knew were really only thoughts, and all the things at times just thoughts entirely for naught, knowledge is a fickle thing and like the brain in grams, that weigh themselves upon the mind and shape the way it scans, for better or for worse and hopefully for better things, you'll learn to know what really is and keep the thoughts just things.
What is a lie but a thought not outweighed by real things, and what is ignorance but real things not being there at all?
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 5, 2020
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When the value one claims for themselves is more than that which they're due.
Those of Humility know their place; those of Arrogance think otherwise.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 26, 2013
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Where the rose-colored lenses of the mind play their trick, filtering its perceptions to see that which it chooses to see.
In infatuation, one sees the object of their affection as they wish; in Love, one sees them as they are.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 21, 2013
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When you finally amass the courage to hold your heart in your hands as you make your stand before them, and nothing less than an "I love you, too," will suffice, but there's no reciprocation. Where a response of indifference cuts as deep as one of rejection, causing the very heart you bore before them to bleed uncontrollably.
Sometimes loving someone means letting them be what you may not want them to be- even if that means being with someone else. It's hard to accept, I know, but loving them means letting them be THEM, not you. Despite how much you may want to, you can't desire otherwise, because you would be destroying that which you loved so much about them: that they are who they are. And to desire that- the destruction of that which makes them who they are, denying them of finding happiness outside yourself- because you can't have it, is to do the most unloving thing I can think of; for, in doing that, you wouldn't be concerned about their happiness, but only your own. If you really love them, then, let them be them, not you, and find happiness in their happiness. It's only if you're able to do that that can you say you ever really loved them at all. Even though you're lovelorn because their love wasn't provided in reciprocation, that doesn't make your love for them any less real. Take heart; you're worth it.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 23, 2013
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