2 definitions by Wagwan-M&M

When a woman of Irish decent chooses to use a profound vocabulary to articulate her thoughts , or feelings.
Angry Meghan :

Possible sentence used during an altercation during a family dispute - " you can eat my corned beef asshole , then chase it with the shot of wiskey I just spit in " ~ translation : I'm very angry on how my sister is acting. All I wish , is we can all eat some corned beef , and drink some wiskey without being assholes.
by Wagwan-M&M May 28, 2016
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When you are away, and receive notice that your best friend is attempting to sleep with your partner. The act may require one, or more , of the following tactics to be successful: slut-shaming , drugs , monetary incentives, and/or , the use of one’s power to manipulate the situation.
You Adam-Bombed my girlfriend when I was away hiking. Now she is an alcoholic due to the experience.
by Wagwan-M&M September 13, 2018
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