38 definitions by Victoria

How to answer a question when you don't know the answer.
Can also be used purely to annoy, as a way to fill space.
Isn't a bridging loan acceptable as collateral?

by Victoria January 30, 2003
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an idiot, someone who comits stupid acts, a stupidass, finds a way to fuck up everything. or just a fool
you stole my cookies! you fuckerbitch!

My fuckerbitch dog just threw up.

Mom: You fuckerbitch! you took my shit out of the washer b4 it was washed!

Me: it wasnt me, it was some other fuckerbitch.
by Victoria November 27, 2004
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an injury to the lower leg that causes the muscle to detach from the bone
running incorrectly or using the wrong type of shoes can result in a shin split
by Victoria January 23, 2005
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another slang for a womans vagina
Her uber was smelly!!
by Victoria February 25, 2005
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refers to the mind; what someone is thinking
Yo, man, what's on your biscuit?
by Victoria March 13, 2004
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a Canadaian fan of Kalan Porter.
Kalan Porter
by Victoria March 15, 2005
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