3 definitions by Tuthsicker

Traditionally one of a litter of pigs which becomes the runt due to its inability to carry out normal basic tasks. A basic failure to thrive due to stupidity.
Ah, look at that little piggy! Its tiny and much maligned, poor spakpig.
by Tuthsicker February 22, 2020
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A student who due to there spending thousands of hours studying to please their parents is awarded the privilege of studying in another country with conceited arrogance. Erasmouse students spend considerable time and effort inserting themselves into communities in the country they visit in order to forward an agenda that is typically negative and not in the interests of the country they visit.
`That French Erasmouse student most be a pal of Le Pen, she sure does seem to be a big daft racist.'
by Tuthsicker February 16, 2020
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A lanky visitor who tries to brute force an amiable connection despite being given every indication that his advances are entirely unwelcome.
Binpole really fancies his chances at snaring you with his rank amateur racial nonsense. Maybe it will get him a birdie bath from interested avians but since you ain't got time for non of that I think you should just continue to ignore his desperate attempts to become relevant.
by Tuthsicker February 22, 2020
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