10 definitions by Tsarith

The act of being so partisan that one becomes overtly hateful and spiteful to fellow Americans who are not in the same party as they are.
Joe: Andy, what's up with your family they seem so angry and crazy about the president.

Andy: Yes, I know, too much Fox News, they're totally hatetriotic.
by Tsarith May 15, 2013
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One who constantly put themselves down or has very low self esteem.

One who insults themselves in physical appearance in regards to their intellect.

A person who thinks and or talks negatively about themselves.
Hey Nick, you look great in that photo.

Oh God, except for my beak of a nose!

Oh man... stop being such a self-bully.
by Tsarith April 16, 2009
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To win something, usually of small importance, as in a carnival game. The phrase is used to signify the value of the prize. As in a chicken dinner can be had for the same value.
Carny: "Step right up folks... See if you can knock these milk jugs over."

Man: "I'll give it a shot!" (throws hardball style, hits and knocks down the jugs)

Carny: "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!" (hands man a Chinese made stuffed animal)
by Tsarith June 13, 2013
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