3 definitions by TotallyDinosaur

When one has the desire to help a friend who has become unlikeable, but is battling with the desire to cut ties with a friend because they have become unlikeable.
Person 1: We should really give him some advice.
Person 2: But I dont wanna talk to someone like that.
Person 1: We’ve been caught in Phillip’s Paradox.
by TotallyDinosaur October 4, 2023
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The phenomenon of internet user coming up with either the most creative and hilarious comment you’ve ever seen, or the most brain dead and insufferable bullshit to tweet.
Person 1: *sees clever funny tweet and then an insufferable one directly after*
Person 2: The Berlin Bird Effects a bitch isn’t it.
by TotallyDinosaur October 4, 2023
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When someone has a sizable amount of facial hair, but it still cannot be considered a beard. Usually common in high school boys and reddit moderators.
Person 1: I cant tell if that guy has a beard or not
Person 2: Yeah. He’s got a Schrodinger’s beard
by TotallyDinosaur October 4, 2023
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