4 definitions by TheRobloxian27

When you want to say noob, but you want to act "cool". So you add memes in hopes people will like you.
Ugh, people can be such n00bs!
by TheRobloxian27 December 12, 2018
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Bighead is an item you buy on the game Roblox during a special sale. When a robloxian gets this head, they make OOF memes and screech very loud to see who can kill the most braincells in one minute.
Check out my Bighead! OOF!
by TheRobloxian27 December 9, 2018
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Reading both of them in their atomic symbols, it says "No U". Because someone said your mother is made out of a gallium yttrium alloy.
Person 1: lol yur mum is made out of a gallium yttrium alloy!
Person 2: Nobelium Uranium
Person 1: *Gets pwned*
by TheRobloxian27 January 16, 2019
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