2 definitions by The Wafl Kinge

An abreviation for World of Warcraft, a game people only bad mouth because they don't have the money to pay the monthly fee.
"WoW is the gayest game in the world, I might get it if my mom lent me enough money."
by The Wafl Kinge September 23, 2006
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An abreviation for waffle to make it possible to be used in online and rpg games with strict name length guidelines. As used in the name The Wafl Kinge, The Wafl Man, and every variation possible.
'The Wafl Kinge' has joined the game.
Lolroflwtfomg: Lawl i haet wafels,
The Wafl Kinge: STFU
by The Wafl Kinge September 23, 2006
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