2 definitions by The DefinitionDude

Ethan: Yo Kanye is doing a live recording session on Instagram live!

Sam: That’s sick! He’s even more talented live.
by The DefinitionDude April 3, 2020
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A live stream of content that is hosted on Instagram live or another social media platform that this person or group is already established on. A livecast takes advantage of the large audience that can be reached on these social media platforms. Livecasts also allow individuals to interact in real time with the host, are often sponsored which supports the content producer with monetization, and sometimes have cool giveaways. The term was coined by Stephen Bienko of 42 Growth Strategies.
Max: I wish there was a way to hear what my favorite personalities on social media were thinking about this week.

John: Didn’t you hear? Livecasts are the new way to listen and interact with your favorite social media personalities, and it’s already on the platform you use daily!
by The DefinitionDude April 3, 2020
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