Any member of the CCP or Chinese National that supports the fuckery of the CCP. This definition shall include any person of Chinese derivation that supports the CCP Fuckery.
"Damn. Won Hung Lo is truly a *Piss Complected Moron.) He thinks communism hasn't really been tried but it has been a hundred times. He'll even China dumped it for European Fascism."
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An emotionally retarded fuckwit who lined up in the cue to get the 4th Reich death jab while screaming at anti death jabbers about masks and other imaginary science fiction measures.
A Jabberwalky can be seen wearing a pointless mask that cannot stop a virus while attacking "free air" folk. Jabberwalkies (plural) ignore the medical science of hypercapnia while rebreathing their own carbon dioxide which turns their lungs into human petri dishes. Then, they develop a myriad of lung infections the call Covid19. Even though they're on social apps regretting their fuck-wittery dying in hospitals from the JAB. They garner no sympathy.
"Oh fuck, I can't even go shopping without running into a hysterical Jabberwalky screaming about me murdering people by breathing oxygen. Fuck those Jabberwalkies and the jab they rode in on."
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Salad Ass is an individual whom, for whatever reason is an effeminate male or a feminist hag. The term derived from "Nancy Boys" and manly overweight chicks during the summer of 1970 whereas they enjoyed "salad" over normal human food. These individuals were whiny, over sensitive salad asses who would protest anything at any given time. Precursors to today's leftist.
Hey will you shut the fuck up about that goddamn whole in the ozone layer? You're such a fucking "salad ass!"
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