353 definitions by TIm

1. Cool
2. To have sexual relations with.
1. That party was rad
2. I got rad with this girl last night.
by TIm December 22, 2003
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Troll Poll was a Large stick like object measuring rougly 7 feet in length and 5 inches in diametre,

This poll was used to prod Trolls that had lost there way during the great Troll migration between Quebek and capetown in the year 1560 Bc.
Useage As Follows:

1) Troll Walks Wrong Way
2) Aim Troll Poll At Trolls Abdemen
3) Apply Forcefull Pressure to the end of the pole
4) Poke the Troll in the Abdomen.
5) Troll Walks In Correct Direction.
by TIm August 18, 2004
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To experience another reality on acid or shrooms.
I had this time loop trip where I walked out of the phone booth and into the car and everytime I got in the car, I was back in the phone booth. I walked up the stairs to go to the bathroom and each step was a layer of hell that lasted for an eternity until I flew out of the stairs in a spaceship.
by TIm March 13, 2003
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a cool wanna be superstar dj mixmaster, comes from down savile, is still banned from the common room for throwing a can atr a teacher from the 24 floor of a school building, he alsost killed him, he is also known for picking his nose and eating it, he is dangerous and should not be approached. durg uis oftern used to insult people.
God you are such a freakin durg
by TIm March 4, 2005
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Damn, that Horace just stabbed himself again!
by TIm May 17, 2004
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To simultaneously fart and shit at the same time. Typically occurs during periods of monsoon-like diarreah.
Tina flatucated and is now minus one pair of clean panties.
by TIm December 19, 2004
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