59 definitions by T-bone

an male, typically found in urban settings, that does not conform to historically "macho" standards of masculenity. while this includes haircults, wine tastes, clothing style, and all the rest, it is often neglected that metrosexuality is so much bigger than that: metrosexuals are free to watch sex in the city, give hugs, compliment other people in non-sexual ways, and have even been known to cry. this is the dawning of aquarious.
i'm proud to be a metrosexual -- even though i may never be as quite stylish as some of my gay friends, i have both male and female non-sexual friends and drive an audi.
by T-bone November 9, 2003
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To jump from one bed to another, a great distance away.
"He just jumped to that bed and pulled a Brett Jan."
by T-bone April 19, 2005
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A term meaning "I agree!", however used by old men and/or young men. Idealy, women could use it also, however that has yet to be seen. Mostly used when no guarantee is in sight or even possible.
by T-bone February 12, 2004
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The origination of the metalic sound in your pocket on payday.The metalic substance that you find in your pocket at the club after the 20s are gone and
you need a drink. chingling, changlang,change
"Do you have any chingling?"
"Whats up whith the chingling, its friday?"
"there ait no chingling up in here!!"
by T-bone August 25, 2004
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A trusted affiliate of Vito Corleone in the movie "the Godfather"
by T-bone October 28, 2003
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A Canadian Football CFL team whose best known CFL kicker McCallum chokes on big plays and who's fans tend to dump manure on players lawns when they're annoyed with them. The Roughriders
GM, Shivers,is known most for opening his mouth maninly to change feet. This team can do everything well except win.
Rough Riders - the team who can bring the production of manure up.
by T-bone January 5, 2005
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