6 definitions by Steven Hopkins

A rule in colleges that states that if one falls asleep with his shoes on, he is fair game for shaming. If one has the presence of mind to take off thier shoes before going to bed, it is ruled that he has merely fallen asleep, rather than passed out in a drunken stupor.
::Waking up with a big cock drawn on his face:: FUCK! Why didn't I take my shoes off? Goddamn shoes rule...
by Steven Hopkins March 7, 2006
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1) Remincient of, or related to, an abortion.

2) Failure on a massive scale.
1) Did you see that girl? She's abortionesque.

2) The Bush presidency has been abortionesque.
by Steven Hopkins November 12, 2005
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One of the most influential thinkers of all time. He lived durring the Spring and Autum Period, durring the decline of Zhou China. Confucius tried and failed to obtain political office in his lifetime, and his greatest legacy is in the Analacets which his diciples compiled after his death.

Confucius stresses a simple life of filial piety and devotion to ritual. Like most great thinkers, his ideas would eventually be mangled beyond recognition by those seeking traditional justification for misogyny, xenophobia and a number of other nasty concepts espoused by Neo-Confucianists.
Confucius said, "The gentleman is not a tool".

Confucious clearly saw the rise of A&F.
by Steven Hopkins March 7, 2007
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1. Canadian vernacular for "about".
2. A type of shoe (sing).
1. What's all that a boot?
2. Hey look! I found a boot.
by Steven Hopkins August 10, 2005
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Meditation can mean either clearing your mind of all thought, or focusing on one thought, both done in an effort to achieve enlightenment. For example, in some masters of "zen" or "chan" buddhism will give thier students koans to meditate on, such as, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?". On the other hand, many other sects teach thinking of nothing. Either way can be effective for those who engage in the activity not for religious enlightment, but simply to relax and gain a greater understanding of life.
He medidated on the koan and understood that the lack of an answer was in itself an answer, and yet not the fullness of the answer.

I engage in meditation for a few minutes before I go to bed to help settle my mind.
by Steven Hopkins February 15, 2007
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The process of replacing innocuous words in popular media with another (sometimes) related sexual term. The most widespread example of said process is the replacing of "wand" with "wang" in the Harry Potter books. Another widely known instance is replacing "fairy" with "penis" and "Great Deku Tree" with "vagina" in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
"Harry looked down at his own wang. he could see finger marks all over it. He gathered a fistful of robe from his knee and tried to rub it clean surreptitiously. Several gold sparks shot out the end of it. Fleur gave him a very patronizing look, and he desisted." (A passage after undergoing wangifying)

"Kathryn spent Saturday night wangifying the 6th Harry Potter book instead of doing her homework."
by Steven Hopkins September 18, 2006
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