1 definition by Steve The Dragon

Many perpetually upset individuals believe this term to represent some sort of deplorable strawman, but this is furthest from the truth. Trump Fluffers is a not-for-profit team of Trump Supporters who make sure his beautiful golden godlike hair is perfectly and properly fluffed. There have been many attempts on Trumps hair via milkshake attacks or a random spritzer driveby. These brave souls have jumped in front of Trumps statuesque strands and for these brave souls, we offer a moment of silence. In the future, whenever Trump Fluffer is attempted to be used as a derogatory term, please remember the brave souls who risk their lives daily to make sure Trump looks his best.
Donald Trump walked into the building when a strong wind sussed his gorgeous hair. A Trump Fluffer quickly ran up to correct the abomination with a quick comb and spritz.
by Steve The Dragon October 29, 2020
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