2 definitions by Spray N Pray

noun; someone who is a clutz or not quite the brightest person you've ever met; dimwit, knucklehead

noun; a term used to insult a person on their inability to accomplish a certain task or action or to draw attention to the fact that they have failed.
"Nick and Scott, I can't believe y'all suck so bad at Call of Duty. You bunch of pudnuggets."

"Hey nice job catching that ball you only missed by 10 feet you pudnugget."
by Spray N Pray April 1, 2010
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When someone both possesses and uses their massive hypothetical kahunas. Commonly found in people who take risks or face potential danger that others would not. Basically balls of steel.
Thomas: "There's no way the bus driver is going to keep making this turn. He will Have to back up"

Tyler: "No, this guy has kahunism. He might hit them, but he's not stopping."
by Spray N Pray April 4, 2011
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