5 definitions by Sovietpizza

The action of packing your lip full of dip. This must be a large amount of dip to be considered a fat lip.
Southerndipper88: BRB packing a fat lip full of Copenhagen dip YEE YEE

Christiangamer67: Save me a pinch
by Sovietpizza March 19, 2018
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The V shaped line of a very muscular man's body that is just above a males sex organ.
Person1: Man I've been working out really hard lately, my fuckgutter is like a perfect V.

Person2: Why in the hell did you call it that?

Person1: Because thats what they called it on that new episode of Rick and Morty

Person2: That is the gayest shit i've ever heard in my motherfucking life
by Sovietpizza May 4, 2020
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A real OG nigga who happens to really like anime.
Nigaboo: You see that newest episode of boku no piku, man that shit was dope!
Person 2: Man you a fucking niggaboo
by Sovietpizza June 6, 2017
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Person 1: I do not know whomst've'ed'est'ion'tion've I will give my business to when I pass away.
Person 2: What the fuck?
by Sovietpizza February 18, 2017
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An american rapper with heavy influences from early 90's, anime, pop culture, and electronic music. He has a very unique style that isn't really seen anywhere else, and is not very popular, but is fucking fire!!!
Person1: aye have you heard the new single from Azizi Gibson? That shit was fire!
Person2: Who TF is that?
by Sovietpizza May 6, 2018
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