77 definitions by Skyrim550

Dream dream dream. Around you baby girl. Animal like a nice day. Hearns cinnamon aid fu*k it right you will.
Someone: look what this emo wrote
Someone too: wtf
by Skyrim550 March 26, 2022
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A hurricane that was set up by the left wing to destroy the beautiful state of Florida. Joe Biden *no I'm sorry, he's too dumb to make descisons*, Kamala Harris to get a couple of Scientologists scientists to make a hurricane that includes BLM hat wearing clouds to LGBTQ rainbow Tornadoes!
It's not a coincidence that Ron DeSantis sent those illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard that Hurricane Ian came along
by Skyrim550 September 28, 2022
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An english version of the Traditional Latin Mass, created by Pope Benedict XVI. Some people call it "Anglican use", ah but what do they know? Most rubrics from the Ordinariate Use are from the TLM and have many similarities. Some Novus Ordo aspects mau be involved though, for example, the Three-year lectionary, and Communion in the hand. The Ordinariate Use is ideally the best if you want the TLM in english!
Person 1: I'm going to attend the Ordinariate Use this morning. And don't call it Anglican Use or I will snap you out of existence, call me Catholic Thanos!

Person 2: Anglican Use you mean😬

Pope Benedict XVI: Ordinariate Use.

Msgr Steenson: Anglican Use.

Me: Traditional English Mass!
by Skyrim550 December 17, 2021
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Today's younger generation is so stupid. They are attached to their phones 24/7 (this is coming from a teen by the way, not a boomer), can't use certain words like "gullible" and read a damn book! The irony is that the leftist young generation has voted for a boomer president more stupider than them.
Mark Dice: How many stars are presently on the American Flag?

Leftist: Uhhhh, 28?

Mark Dice: What is the last book you've read?

Leftist: I don't reed.

Mark Dice: What is the most important thing in your life right now?

Leftist: My phone!

Me: Gen Z is stupid.
by Skyrim550 August 31, 2022
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The Reformed Holy Week Rite of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil are new rites in the Traditional Mass created by Pius XII and Archbishop Bugnini.
The Reformed Holy Week Rite of Palm Sunday doesn't use violet for their Mass.
by Skyrim550 February 2, 2021
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"I can't breath" is what Biden will try to say when Kamala Harris sits on his face and eventually makes him pass out with her farts.
(Sleepy) Joe Biden: *Snoring*

Kamala Harris: *Comes in bedroom and sits in his face*

Joe Biden: I can't breath!

Kamala Harris: *fart*

Joe Biden: *gets a boner before he passes out*
by Skyrim550 April 14, 2022
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A minister who can act as Subdeacon without being properly ordained. This was combined with the minstry of Acolyte from Paul VI "minsteria quædam" and the Subdiocante role. These are mostly found in the Personal Ordinariate or some FSSP/ICKSP parishes.
Yesterday, I became an Instituted Acolyte

Altar boy: I want to be Instituted Acolyte

MC: Your too young kid. Maybe sometime in the future.
by Skyrim550 January 17, 2022
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