3 definitions by Skynet Universe

Sheamus loves Popsicles. Sheamus is an immigrant from the great city of Ireland who flips his lid when he discovers Popsicles over here in the states. Sheamus loves Popsicles so much, he'd kill just to have one. No, seriously. Sheamus killed someone. Oh my golly gosh Sheamus loves Popsicles so much, like holy fuck I don't think there's a single person that loves Popsicles more than Sheamus. Sheamus once made love to a dude just to get a Popsicle and he ain't even gay. Holy fuck this guy loves Popsicles so much he'd suck one right out of a babies mouth. Sheamus also moves in with his uptight cousin, who he teaches how to truly live life.
"That guy is suckin' off a Popsicle!"

"Yeah, that's Sheamus."
by Skynet Universe August 3, 2018
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"Sorry, we don't have Coke. Will Pepsi be okay?"

When someone gets turned down for Coke so many times (usually at a restaurant) that they start to prefer Pepsi more.
"This restaurant is turning me into a Pepsiphile"
by Skynet Universe September 18, 2016
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An event in which you take a massive shit, and then turn right back around and ejaculate all over said shit.
Yeah, man, I was dealing with a huge skitdick last night.
by Skynet Universe May 21, 2018
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