39 definitions by Skirtlifter

Amalgam of 'frightening' and 'dyke'. Usually refers to size 20+ crew-cuttted lesbians in boilersuits.
"Crikey, look at the Friyke that's coming towards us! WHAT a mess!
by Skirtlifter February 24, 2005
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The Office sycophant. A guy - usually in the depths of Hell we call 'Middle Management' - who is always cosying up to the Director, offering platitudes in the hope of imminent promotion.
Did you see how Melvin behaved at the Meeting? WHAT a cockmuncher!
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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19-20th century vernacular for the vagina. A 'lum' was initially a slang word for the flue that drew smoke from an open fire up to the chimney on the rooftop. Lum as a slnag term is quite popular with women of a certain age and social background.
Ah'm goan away tae Benidorm tae get ma auld lum swept by they spanish waiters!!
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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Scottish slang term for 'Penis'. Derived from 'Old Fellow'.
She whipped oot ma old fellae, and gave me a Jodrell (bank/wank).
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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Frozen human stool (usually male), which is placed within a knotted condom. Each end is placed within the anus of two gay men, who then pleasure themselves.
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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Vernacular for cheesy, sweaty residue present on the anus of men and women.
That Play was so long I could feel the scuff building up on my ring!
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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Butch lesbian who prefers fisting as her choice of giving sexual pleasure. In the same way as coloured hankies denote what gay men prefer, a huge fuck-off Bon Jovi mullet marks a Butch down as a cuntpuncher.
Why are you walking oddly?
I had a session with a cuntpuncher last night!
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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