4 definitions by Sizzor

1. Blanket word describing the downfall of modern music.
2. Opportunities that are given to artists not necessarily gifted nor talented. Eg: Pop rock, Emo, Hip Hop, Boy bands.
American Idol is giving HipHopportunity to so called 'artists' who would normally be relegated to coffee shops.
by Sizzor April 2, 2008
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1. Blanket word describing the downfall of modern music.
2. Opportunities that are given to artists not necessarily gifted nor talented. Eg: Pop rock, Emo, Hip Hop, Boy bands.
American Idol is giving poportunity to so called 'artists' who would normally be relegated to coffee shops.
by Sizzor April 2, 2008
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1. Lagging in real life.
2. Zoning out
3. Daydreaming

Lirling, Lirled, Lirls
Dude, What were you talking about? I totally Lirled there for a minute...
by Sizzor April 2, 2008
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1. Blanket words describing the downfall of modern music.
2. Opportunities that are given to artists not necessarily gifted nor talented. Eg: Pop rock, Emo, Hip Hop, Boy bands.
American Idol is giving popportunity to so called 'artists' who would normally be relegated to coffee shops.
by Sizzor April 2, 2008
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