9 definitions by Shay'oul

1. A system of magick that is not necessarily related to the Wiccan Religion.

2. The practice of Witches; often refered to as the craft.
She sought out to learn witchcraft but maintain her current views of the world.
by Shay'oul December 20, 2003
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1. One who practices witchcraft (not neccasarily connected with Wicca).

It is also used to describe those who follow the Wiccan religion, and, in some instances, those who practice any type of magick (Goetic, Herbal, Enochian, etc).

2. A bitter or hateful women. Used in a deragatory sense. A hag, if you will.

3. A less insulting (if there is such a thing) form of call someone a bitch.
Salem, Massachusetts and many other places held several trials for those who were seen as "evil witches." As a result, many innocent people were killed.
by Shay'oul June 6, 2004
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Seemingly the ability to control "cold." In actuality, Cryokinesis can be defined as using Psychokinesis to manipulate the molecular speed of an object. Slowing of the molecules produces cold, as cold can be defined as a lack of energy.
Using Cryokinesis, I can chill the air around me on a hot day.
by Shay'oul May 20, 2004
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1. An effort to make a change in ones life by using ones own personal energy and the energy of surrounding elements.

The "K" was brought back into use by Aleister Crowley in the 1900's to differentiate it from magic, the slight of hand tricks that became popular in the time. Most common belief is that Magick is evil and should not be tampered with; or is only possesed by "chosen" ones. Both of these statements are false.
Among my studies of the different forms of magick, I find the sacred arts of Abramelin to be the best foundation for developing your magickal abilities.
by Shay'oul December 20, 2003
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1. A branch of philosophy that studies the relationship between mind and matter

2. Often used to describe things that lack the "facts" to be classified as "real" or accepted

3. Related to paranormal phenomena
I plan to take a class on Metaphysics.
by Shay'oul December 20, 2003
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1. Having to do with parnanormal or metaphysical activity and/or phenomena

2. The unseen; hidden

3. Understanding and practice of sacred knowledge possesed only by those worthy of it
Shay'oul is a student of the occult
by Shay'oul December 20, 2003
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