3 definitions by Shawn.Fleek!!

The style of online advertising that relies on sexy pictures of women to generate clicks through to advertisers.
The only reason viewers came to this “awkward spring break photos” article was because of the dickbait Buzzfeed used in their advertising.
by Shawn.Fleek!! January 14, 2019
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A person who lives so comfortably in an echo chamber that they become fragile when confronted with any opinions outside of it.

Coddled to the point of being ready to explode.
Your friend Griper can't handle being spoken to like an adult because she's bubble-wrapped. Her friends treat her with kid gloves, because if they don't she'll pop off at them.
by Shawn.Fleek!! February 4, 2022
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A person who lives so comfortably in an echo chamber that they become fragile when confronted with any opinions outside of it.

Coddled to the point of being ready to explode.
Your friend Griper can't handle being spoken to like an adult because she's bubble-wrapped. Her friends treat her with kid gloves, because if they don't she'll pop off at them.
by Shawn.Fleek!! February 4, 2022
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