108 definitions by Shawn

1. a male rooster
2. the male brain
3. a one eyed snake
1. last night i was watching the cocks fight.
2. Dude shes fucking hot. Go tell her. "Hey baby, your hot. Wanna fuck?" SLAP
3. Becky OMG last night shawn put his cock in my mouth and it spit all over my face!
by Shawn April 2, 2004
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All I could afford was was a sixer of Nati.
by Shawn November 6, 2002
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when a person has cum all over their face and they go to wipe it off but miss the cum thats right under their nose leaving a cum mustache.
Tommy was sucking my cock(haha) and I gave him some whip cream.
by Shawn May 27, 2004
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Why must we live in sust?
Clean up that nasty sust!
by Shawn January 15, 2003
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slang. command

To move away from; to beat it or get lost.
Boy: Excuse me Mr. can I have a quarter.
Man: No, beat it kid.
Boy: Pleeeeease.
Man: I said skidaddle.
by Shawn February 17, 2004
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Used to get someone to stop speaking, once something homosexual has been spoken.
Yo son, that was some mo' shit, pause.
by Shawn February 12, 2003
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a beautiful women who engages particularly in duties concerning domestic affairs, kitchen cleaning, or ale serving

the object of a pirate's affection

usually found in sea faring ports, in the back of the kitchen scrubbing pots, passed out under a pirate ship's deck, or tending to the wash.
Yaaar!! Call over the tavern wench. Me ale bucket needs a filling. And while you're there, tell 'er that she should clean out the stain she left on my bed sheets last night. Arrrr!
by Shawn April 9, 2005
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