12 definitions by Seb13

Vt. The act of misleading or tricking someone while communicating via email or Messenger, by using emoticons to imply that statements are not true or not as serious as they really are.
Jane's boss is emoticonning her. He emails here about head office plans RE her team, but then ends his sentences with winks. So, Jane is convinced that all these big plans are just talk.
by Seb13 January 24, 2009
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n. An excessively obsequious person, who sucks up to superiors at work. Someone who practices ass-kissing to the Nth degree. An Anal Astronaut is the Master of sucking up, with the Apprentice being Butt Kisser, and the Journeyman being Chocolate Starfish Taster or Salad Tosser.
At first I thought Jeffrey was just a plain old Butt Kisser, then I thought he was a Chocolate Starfish Taster, but have since realized he is a real Anal Astronaut. He will suck up to the boss at every opportunity. I bet he offers to wipe his ass for him.
by Seb13 January 25, 2009
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adj. To be obsessed with looking up information on Wikipedia or simply browsing it for interesting facts to insert into conversation.
Jane spends her whole lunch hour in her office, reading Wikipedia articles. She is completely Wiki-wacky.
by Seb13 January 23, 2009
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To promote as fact information that is patently wrong, and comes from an unreliable or suspect source.
Don't believe anything John says about pop music. He doesn't have a clue, but will wikiate at every opportunity. Last week he said the Guess Who split off from the Who.
by Seb13 January 22, 2009
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vi. The act of attempting to lure people into one's belief system by evangelizing or proselytizing. E.g. a Mac user trying to convert a PC user.
Jim is such a big fan of the iphone that he cannot resist Jesus fishing whenever he knows he among a bunch of Blackberry users.
by Seb13 February 26, 2009
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n. A person who does not control his behavior accordingly in a confined environment. Someone who speaks too loudly, makes comments about people when they are within earshot, and/or eats offensively-smelling food in the office.
John was on the phone for half an hour yesterday, and spoke so loud that the whole office - even the boss - could hear him. And to make it worse, he was actually commenting on co-workers and the boss. If John is not a cubicle cunt, I don't know who is.
by Seb13 February 4, 2009
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n. A firing, or purge (multiple-firings), at an office. The act of forcibly removing someone from his/her cubicle or office space.
The third quarter report at Brad's company was terrible, and everyone is expecting a round of cubicle abortions.
by Seb13 February 4, 2009
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