4 definitions by SHenderson

A type of drama that is not ridiculously high, given the current surroundings. When someone is experiencing a drama in their life that is overwhelming, and requires them to contemplate taking their own life!
Shawn: Whats happening with you?

G-Slyce : I swear there is SOOO Much Drama @ Marketplace, that I might just cut someone with my scissors. People need to eff off.... I'ma CUT YOU!

Shawn: So, you're not gonna tour in the morning?
by SHenderson January 21, 2010
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This is the real Jesus. Not to be confused with Mr. Jesus, YOUR JESUS, or Mickey Mouse Bullshit Jesus. This is the Jesus that you should thank for taking care of mediocre things in your daily life!
Shawn: So what is the deal, are we friends or not?

G-Sylce: I swear to Black Jesus is you pull this shit again, I'm going to cut you with my scissors... DRAMA
by SHenderson January 21, 2010
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Someone who is struggling with their own life so badly, that you're required to yell at them from a moving car. What you yell at them, will arm them with the knowledge that they're struggling in life.
Shawn: Hey Kristian, look at this prick job on the side of the road.
Krisitain: (to the man on the side of the road) You're a fucking prick job!!
by SHenderson May 4, 2008
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When you are constantly running into elderly people. Being the youngest person at any given space by at least 40 years.
I went to Java City the other day, and between the customers and the barista, I was digging up bones.
by SHenderson April 1, 2015
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