6 definitions by RomeNC

This is a rallying cry for people excited about the stock of a specific company. It became popularized on r/wallstreetbets during the 2021 short squeeze of GameStop's shares (GME), which were being short-sold at a high level by major hedge funds. The high number of buys by WSB forced the hedge funds to repurchase the shares at a much higher price and therefore at a tremendous loss, allowing wage-earning millennials to stick it to Wall St traders and their boomer clients. The millennials who still came out at a loss thought it was worth it.
CNBC: "Surely GME won't go up to $1000."

WSB: "We like the stock!"
by RomeNC January 27, 2021
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A condition that nearly every man suffers. It's noticeable when a guy gets sucked into one of his male behaviors that he channels his inner autist. A good example is when a guy will spending hours making strategy spreadsheets for his favorite game instead of talking to his hot girlfriend. He might also join a philosophy debate group and spend his Saturday nights talking to them instead of his hot girlfriend. You see where this is going.
Jim: "Dr. Fischer, then she said I loved the game more than her."

Dr. Fischer: "I'm seeing a pattern here. I think you may have male-pattern autism."
by RomeNC September 5, 2023
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A quirky but often insightful mathematician who manages investments for Peter Thiel. He coined the term "Intellectual Dark Web" and is the older brother of Bret Weinstein. He claims to have developed a theory of physics called Geometric Unity but has not completely released it. He is also the host of the "The Portal," a cool podcast, but he has not had an episode in a long time. Perhaps one day he shall return.
Sam: "Where's Eric Weinstein? I haven't seen him he appeared on Joe Rogan."

Jordan: "I'm sure he's around."
by RomeNC April 25, 2022
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A hurricane that hits an area affected by the coronavirus. Alternatively, it can be a hurricane that already hit an area affected by it and is now bringing the virus in its winds.
There’s 12 new cases in Surf City, and a Category 5 is coming, Hurronacane!
by RomeNC May 25, 2020
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This is an adjective used to refer to the ideas of Canadian professor and psychologist, Jordan Peterson. Typically it is used in reference to his ideas around archetypes, meaning, and personal responsibility, which are the preeminent topics his books and lectures.
At first I thought Disney's "Hercules" was just a fun cartoon made for kids, but then I noticed there's a very Petersonian narrative here, wherein the titular demigod has a burden of physical strength that he cannot control and chooses to bear it in pursuit of becoming a "true hero," and on that journey he acquires a new strength: of character.
by RomeNC April 3, 2022
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Usually the hardest and most hated level in any video game. This is because the physics and spatial reasoning of being underwater are usually very different from most other levels in a game, meaning that you can't rely on the muscle memory you've built up in previous levels to carry you through. Also, they tend to have very hard (and very scary) monsters.
Tim: Have you beaten Zelda yet?

Jim: Naw, man, I'm stuck on the water level.
by RomeNC March 17, 2018
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