3 definitions by Rick Astley

A fat and indifferent little shit. He’s a player and the very definition of smash and dash. Keep the fuck away from an Aryan.
Jim: Is that Aryan?
John: Yeah, keep away from that tubby player mate.
by Rick Astley November 17, 2019
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The World of Warcraft version of the n-word. Most players can't accept a world where the Paladin class actually has fun, so they treat Paladins like white people treated blacks before MLK. Sadism at its finest.
So you're a paladin who wants to DPS? Retnoob! That's like black people wanting to vote! Oh, wait...
by Rick Astley August 9, 2007
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The greatest baseball player of all time. No other player comes even close.
When I grow up, I want to be just like my hero, Barry Bonds. Have any tips?
by Rick Astley August 9, 2007
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