5 definitions by Reginald E. Might

An inexperienced driver who holds a driving licence but has not driven for years, rendering them a driver 'on paper' only. Originates in Japan.
Jason is too scared to drive in city traffic, he's only a paper driver.

Letting that paper driver into that Porsche was the worst decision since Vegemite rebranded to Parwill.
by Reginald E. Might November 3, 2020
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(Proper noun) A failed re-branding attempt by Vegemite's Australian marketers, leading to further lost market share. Aussie buyers hated the new name almost as much as the superior original British product it ripped off, Marmite.

The strange tactic of turning silver medals into bronze was later adopted by Australian sports teams.
"They chose to mackle together a bad name for an inferior copycat product that belongs in an incinerator" --The British
"The name Parwill was somehow even worse than the taste of the stuff" --Australians
by Reginald E. Might November 3, 2020
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1) The act of moving from location A to location B

2) A commercial vehicle made by the Ford motor company and sold in the UK. Often used by parcel delivery companies
Sorry mate, your parcel was damaged in (a) Transit
by Reginald E. Might September 18, 2007
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Verb ("To mackle"), English Midlands dialect. To mend hurriedly in a makeshift way, or to assemble an inferior product out of scrap materials.
Hugh mackled a boat together from old bits of wood. Somehow it looks less seaworthy than his homemade rowing machine. Despite that, he's still more useful than a Paper Driver.
by Reginald E. Might November 3, 2020
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The tiny useless sliver of soap left behind just before it gets replaced by a fresh bar.
Her: “Honey, would you pass the soap?”
Me: “Nope.”
Her: “Why not?!”
Me: (pointing to it) “…Noap”
by Reginald E. Might May 11, 2023
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