5 definitions by Rebecca LaRue

A document in which the government gives to people who are on welfare to buy food.
Man, get off those welfare checks and food stamps and get a job!
by Rebecca LaRue October 12, 2003
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A guy who has a big ego and tries to do something new or something he thinks he's good at, and sucks badly.
by Rebecca LaRue October 13, 2003
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A word that Emeril Lagasse says when flicking on a spice.
Bam! Now we'll let this simmer...
by Rebecca LaRue October 13, 2003
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An irrelevent phrase that is useless because the French have different words for the English cussing words.
Oh, I'm gonna say 'Excuse my French' because I just cussed but I speak English. :D
by Rebecca LaRue October 12, 2003
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That chicadee looks like she could use a good facelift.

Don't worry about it, chicadee.
by Rebecca LaRue December 21, 2003
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