13 definitions by RaiRaijinn

When someone disses you to prove they are morally better person than you, and occassionally left in awe
Anton: "What makes you think you so hot fool?"
Leroy: "Oh don't give me that shit, you don't see me gangbanging or doing drugs, I volunteer at the shelter on my days off and give my homeless homies my old clothes and things. What do you do all week? Smoke weed, bang hookers, sleep on a couch all fucking day, evaluate your priorities fool!.
Anton: "..."
Gerald: "Anton, you just got churched!"
by RaiRaijinn November 23, 2016
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A store that is highly undesirable to rob due to the likelyhood of getting pinched by the police
Anton priming a shotgun and a ski mask
Leroy enters
Leroy: "What the fuck are you doing fool?"
Anton: "Need some dough, that check cashing place in the stix oughta be good."
Leroy: "Dude, thats a Bait shop! There is always cop waiting behind the place."
Anton: "... Shit, dude can I borrow half a G instead? Or else I gotta knock a few stores off."
by RaiRaijinn November 30, 2016
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Anton comes in Bleeding, Black-eyed, and Bruised
Leroy: "What the fuck happened to you man?"
Anton: "I was cruising the bars and got Holmed by this tiny bitch, took the bouncer down with me."
Leroy: "Damn! I'll get the kit, and the painkillers."
Anton: "Yeah, get the Leafly Bud cause I hurt like a motherfucker"
by RaiRaijinn November 28, 2016
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Someone who is great at removing incriminating evidence
Anton calling Leroy
Leroy: "What up Fool?"
Anton: "Hey I need a "Disposal Expert", I got a problem and its a fucking huge one."
Leroy: "I'll call "him" up."
by RaiRaijinn December 16, 2016
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A short term for any Emergency medical teams
Anton comes into his house bleeding
Anton: "Leroy, Med crew now! Shot in thigh."
Leroy: "Shit! I'll call 911 right now!"
by RaiRaijinn December 16, 2016
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Engaging in physically intense sex roughly between 5 to 30 minutes, if not an hour
Anton returns home with his eyes wide open
Leroy: "Where the Hell you've been?"
Anton: "I've been Power Boning chicks all day and I think I banged a dude by accident. My Hook-up gave me one of those E-pills this morning and it hasn't gone away..."
Leroy: "Shit man, you okay?"
Anton: "Is it normal for my heart to sound like a boombox?"
by RaiRaijinn December 9, 2016
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A secure place where you hide your weed
Anton: "I can't find my weed, man?"
Leroy: "Did you check your Hash Stash?"
Anton: "Which one?"
Leroy: "The safe behind your Mom's photo"
by RaiRaijinn December 1, 2016
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