17 definitions by Rage

A pedophile who stalks 14-yr old's on Yahoo/AA/ICQ.
"You djmc-z! Stop staring at my child!"
by Rage April 10, 2003
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(1)-Interjection- Used when someone is running around on fire while you hold the godly flamethrower.
"Feel the burn kid?"
by Rage April 24, 2003
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To get high at a explecit level, mostly used when you are using your mouth,ears,and your ass to smoke something.
"awwww man i'm frickin' high 9." *PASSES OUT*
by Rage April 24, 2003
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(1)-Noun-A lesbian Dinosuar.
"That there is a anchient Lickapus hip bone!"
"Why is it red?"
"Well you see..."
by Rage April 24, 2003
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The god damn best godsmack song EVER
VoOdOo "i'm not the one who's so far away when i feel the snakebite enter my vein...."
by Rage February 18, 2004
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To release your manly(or womanly) fluids to gain pleasure.
Finally, near the end I extrapolated all over the baby jesus because I pulled out and realized we were still in church.
by Rage February 23, 2005
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